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Hy dev, i just saw the gay tag? Is it a optional tag bcz i hate it. 

I have no problem since its up to dev but i just wanna know if we(striaght players) can play without any kind of gay content?

Art looks amazing so plz answer if you saw my comment.

You dont get any sex content with a char randomly. You decide which chars to meet and get intimate. The only "gay" thing you can see without your choice is kiss on head from your brother, everything else only if you choose males on map.

i cant believe game updated after i found it lel. Idk why but there is no music in android version

There is no sound at all, but I will add very soon. Maybe after next update


got it, you did a great job with this game btw. I wish it was longer tho. 


Thank you for creating this game

Thank you for playing this game

How do you make money, also how many characters are in the game?

Constant way to make money is work with Alex in cafe. One-time money getting can be done with first come to Hotel (you will receive free money to test boys/girls here but you can just go home) and first testing bet in Fighting Club if you follow Jay route. New ways to make money will be added in next updates (like repeating bets in Fighting Club and weekly money from mother for first month of game).

About characters. You can just look at main menu. If we count relationship goals right now there is 7 (Alex, Jay, Uma, Ichiro, Steven, Evelyn, Elizabeth). If we count overall characters which will have their routes in future - Samael and Belfagor. Also plot char King (guy with half face covered). Near time will be added Gluttony.  Also bunch of random chars which used in some activities like Fighting Club, gym coach, Hotel staff, slime char in events etc.

So this game has bisexual options?


You can have NSFW content with boys and girls. In future will be added more options. So yes


A lot of people in the comments are quite rude, I just want to say I love this game and I am really enjoying it. Thanks for your hard work.


I cant say "a lot", just some can be rude. I accept any reviews, if they are "fair" and I try to work on them.

Why not add the nude mode for a permanent purchase of a 1 time payment only in here?

Like maybe $20 or $40 is a good price for it.


Because it doesn't make sense. The game is constantly being updated, and accordingly so is the Nude Mod. Buying 20$ Tier on Patreon you get all animations, Nude Mod and the game all together. You don't need to buy every month if it's a lot for someone, once every six months or year is enough. The game goes public every month anyway, and I really need "constant" financial support much more than a year ago.

Почему было убрано лицо главного героя, ведь в ранних версиях игры оно у него было?

Никогда не было, ещё с прошлой игры никогда у гг не было лица

What is the name of the program you use to do this, and where can I get similar 3D models?


Is there a way to get back to the Sin possessor dimension or has that not been implemented just yet?

Returning to Sins dungeon will be available in next MainPlot update, after adding Gluttony.

I was just wondering. Thank you!

What is the difference between the phone version and the computer version?

None, they are just created to play on phone or PC.

When do you regularly update?

Usually end of month, ~26-31th 

Why do you know Russian?


I live in Ukraine and know ukrainian, english and russian.

How do I get to the hotel?

For now only with speaking to Elizabeth until you are close enough so she will tell you about it.

Hi is this normal that the game has no sound ?


It is normal, because game have no sound at all. I always move update with sound further, dont want to do it. I am lazy bitch

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I have not given it a shot probably will my only turn off is the powers are not yours they are powered by another enitity.One that can leave you stranded high and dry and then what hmm then you have nothing. Meaning ultimately they can be stripped from you at any time. Its like with Issei his potential exists solely because he has the Red Dragon Emperor take that away and you get a useless character.However am curious once i finish the game I am playing now probably will check this out also have been burned by games like this before. Going to wait until it gets a bit more updates.Also the M/M content is a turn off is there by chance a setting for that some games have  setting to turn off fetishes you don't want?

Plot based you are bound to Lust and he cant leave you. Also game will allow to never use powers and be "fair mortal". About M/M, you will not get any such content if you dont choose male chars to communicate (except one cheek kiss from Alex at the start of game, but hey its just brother kiss)

it's too short


Yeah, sadly. I would like to make this game super big with a lot of content. And I will do!

Just give me some time and support to get through all the hardships

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And i only found one sex scene lol cant tell if theres more


Much more than 1 for sure

oh ok

i cant tell if im dumb or not but were do you earn cash at


You can earn some until Day 7 while work with Alex at cafe. After this (for now) you cant. Also you get free money when you reach hotel first time to "try" some services, but you can just take money and go away, no one will judge you

ok thanks for answering my question also when will another way to earn money be added?


My plans can change, for sure not in next update, but maybe one after will be added another way to get to Hotel and money earn via PC


thx for the info and keep up the good work dude i enjoyed the game


Are there any plans to bring Alex back to life and create an additional story? It's such a waste because it's my favorite character...


Can't say anything now, keep an eye on next updates.

Maybe he'll become a demon?


Answer already in the game. Buy sub on Patreon for current update or wait 2 weeks until it become free and you will know.




Alright. And you killed off Alex? I think im finished played this game now. xD Lost me with that one


I know which risks I take when do such heavy decisions in updates. But nothing will change my plans. I will do the game in the way I want it. Stay tuned to the next updates and return if you wish.


Nobody likes a bullheaded artist that can't take criticism. I think I'm finished as well just because of your pretentious attitude.


If you say this - you dont follow my Discord. If you are not sub just wait when 0.5.2b will come Public and you will understand why I say so about "my plans" and that I would not change them. Come on, its plot plans, obvious my plot will not change if I want to do something. All other things I ALWAYS listen, half of quality of life updates was made because I was asked. But again, its your decision, I cant demand to love my game. Thank you for following my work in past, will be glad to change your mind.


I don't need to follow your discord. Reacting to criticism this way is all I needed to see. I personally don't care what you decide to put in your game. It's yours. What I do care about is how you treat people. 


What I said wrong? I want to understand. Person said he dont like my decision about Alex. I told I know what this update can cause, but I will follow my plans about plot. Where is criticism and where I treat my auditory bad?


How does ichiro lose the polls but has the most content?? Is that why you stopped taking polls?


Polls will return after 0.5.2b (or 0.5.2c if update will be too big for two parts)


yess finally the game got updated!! i hope you continue with this game! i personally love it!

Hi FunkeyMunke,

I really liked the updates of the game. Even now I'm enjoying it!. I have a few questions tho' if you don't mind. Is there a way to gain the Mind Reading Skills or the other skills as well? It was mentioned in Steven's and Uma's routes.

Thank you for developing this game!


Not yet, but in few updates yes. I need to add other Sins before I can make plot based grow of Lust skills


Wish there was more on ichiro! He is so domineering. >3<


Do you plan to release the 3D models of the characters to your community eventually?


I dont plan to do this. At least until I end this game, which will not happen near years.


I understand, I hope everything goes well in the production of your game, I know it can be very complicated to make one, especially alone or with few people helping.

It's koikatsu

You can easily make one if you have a copy of the game

"Easily " is not the right term. Dont make it sound as if I created each char in 5 minutes and not days. I heard people who say "Hey, its easy to make chars and porn animations, why game updates took so much time?". I will not touch topic about where I live, which already affects it. Yes, its "easy" when you take all ready, ready animation, ready models etc. But I do animations by hand, each second, so they look good and not as some "copy-paste shit". Hey, I try my best to make chars good looking with good proportions >:C Uma with his fur and body marks took a month to make him without bugs. The only thing I can add - if it is so easy, just make own and receive money from subs, why not? If it takes so low effort its like free money from nowhere.

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excuse me? I wasn't saying they will make one like your character, it just isn't hard for them to make their own porn model from mods and presets, so they shouldn't ask for yours

Also I never said anything about updates so i don't understand why you mention that

I don't think it's right to take off any anger off me when I don't have anything to do with beggers like that

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I didnt anger on you, it was more of answer to others who say this. Maybe I used not right words and it looked toxic. You can bite me a little

Is this male or female protagonist?

Never mind i forgot i already played this before so i know it's male protag

I cant add protagonist tag, because limit. So yeah

now that I know there is a limit, that stupid


I love how this actively gets updates at least once a month!


Updated a minute ago, have fun


Will the be 'Preg' content in game or/and 'Gender Swapping'?


I dont like pregnant content, so only if someone will buy such scene. Gender swapping could be, but I dont have such plans right now.

When do you think an update for Ichiro will be?

Next after the one what will be released near ~week. So next month

Oh ok, thanks for the reply


when is there gonna be an update where u can fuck uma


It's hard to say. I think given his popularity, at least Dream will be with this in the near future.


Yeah.... last thing i want is more furry red rocket bs. Sigh. Well good luck to you then sir


If the next update involves some 🥵 1 on 1 time between the MC and his brother,  I'll subscribe as a $20 this freaking moment.


If you mean this month - no, there will be a Halloween update. Next month start there will be a vote on who gets the update. If Alex wins, anything is possible.

What is the way to get money? to pay gym

Right now no way, its just for future updates

Show post...

So why are only gay lewd scenes in the previews? Is this mainly a gay game? 


For now NSFW scene only with 1 boy. 0.4.0 was last character added, from now on I will add more and more scenes to existing chars, girls too.


mc top or bottom ? or is it one of those switch depends on the char you choose ?

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Yes, he will switch depending on characters. Some char would have both options. 

would there be a mac version?

I will do the tests, because you are not first to ask Mac. And if everything ok when 0.3.2 will go Public I will start to post Mac ver too.

it's so cool to find a sequel to "GreatOurDays" and be able to continue enjoying the previous plot

I missed this game, please continue

All of the characters from the last game will be added to this one and continue the story I wasn't allowed to finish

steve will be forever missed

The wait for the Android version...commences!



Wth lol it was a different icon at first


I know, my bad~

Will we be getting a new iteration of Uma?


Yes, he will be next char after this 5